И-5-22 Love Song

  • Участник Not Perfect | Y&R Minsk
  • Название работы И-5-22 Love Song
  • Конкурс / номинация И-5 Он-лайн кампании
  • Ссылка http://danissimo.by/
  • Рекламодатель Danone
  • Авторы Strategic planer: Paulius Senūta
    Progect managers: Tanya Yanchick, Liudas Kamblevičius
    Creative directors: Alik Krynitsky, Marius Lukošius
    Art Director: Victoria Rumiantsevaite
    Copywriters: Rokas Eltermanas, Lera Pilnitskaya
  • Описание проекта The most indulgent yogurt on Planet Earth, Danissimo challenged itself to bring more indulgence to women. Women love with their ears and what could be more indulgent than a love song from a perfect boy band of four personally for you?
    We’ve produced over 120 personalized songs and built a micro-website where you can write your name, upload your photo and get a personal music clip.
    Over 102,000 personal videos were generated in first month, 49% of the generated traffic was viral and bounce rate was only 2.45%! The love song became a national phenomenon: the boy band appeared on national TV stations’ morning talk shows and the song was featured on “top gift” lists for Valentine’s Day.